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Sunday 30 March 2014

Cellular metabolism in colorectal carcinogenesis: Influence of lifestyle, gut microbiome and metabolic pathways

The interconnectivity between diet, gut microbiota and cell molecular responses is well known; however, only recently has technology allowed the identification of strains of microorganisms harbored in the gastrointestinal tract that may increase susceptibility to cancer. The colonic environment appears to play a role in the development of colon cancer, which is influenced by the human metabolic lifestyle and changes in the gut microbiome. Studying metabolic changes at the cellular level in cancer be useful for developing novel improved preventative measures, such as screening through metabolic breath-tests or treatment options that directly affect the metabolic pathways responsible for the carcinogenicity.

see more @  Hagland HR, Søreide K. Cellular metabolism in colorectal carcinogenesis:
Influence of lifestyle, gut microbiome and metabolic pathways. Cancer Lett. 2014 
Mar 12. pii: S0304-3835(14)00133-5. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2014.02.026.